Caught on camera - two Purple Herons Courting

What a priviledge to observe and photograph a pair of Purple Herons courting. This is a rare sight due to the difficulty in observing them during courtship.


The Purple Heron is a very shy bird


The Purple Heron is a very shy bird and the reason that courtship of these birds is not well known, is due to the difficulty in observing them. They are usually obscured by the reeds and sedges making obserevation of the courship very difficult.



During the breeding season, Purple Herons sport more vivid colours and longer breed feathers.



Courtship antics galore


Their courship antics usually include performing elaborate postures, such as fluffing out the neck feathers and pointing their bill upwards. 





They have been known to demonstrate a stretch display to an incoming bird in which they stand vertically extended with their neck plumage erect.



Aerial chases and circle flights are not uncommon in the early stages. These can result in fights taking place in the air. I observed a mid-air fight but unfortunately, the pair were obscured and I was unable to get a clear shot (I was bitterly disappointed but that is just how it goes in the life of a photographer).


Observing their antics though was quite spectacular.







Enough courting for now - its time to find something to eat


It was very interesting to watch how these birds continued courting for quite long before eventually, one of the pair took off and decided to go and find itself something to eat.